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How to Make your Thinking with your Business Work for You

by Jennifer McVey –

To make your business work for you, you first have to know what you think about it. Answer the questions as descriptively and accurately as you can.

What do you really think about your business?

How does your business make you feel?

What do you say about your business?

How do you feel when you explain it?

Where do your thoughts go- the past, present or the future?

Are your thoughts positive or negative?

How do you think people view you?

What would you like to think and feel like? How do you want to feel when you’re talking about your business? What message do you want to convey?
Answer the questions again with the thought of ‘in a perfect world’-all fears, worries and obstacles aside…

What do you really think about your business?

How does your business make you feel?

What do you say about your business?

How do you feel when you explain it?

Where do your thoughts go- the past, present or the future?

Are your thoughts positive or negative?

How do you think people view you?

Look over your answers- were able to be totally excited and optimistic about your business? Could you put your shinning confidence and achievement into words? Were you able to look at your business through successful joyful eyes? Yeah. You did it- you just changed your thinking, your perception and the way you are going to talk about it. Hmmm… just that simple. Good job. Look over the ‘What you want’ questions everyday. Now, go practice and let your thinking build your business into exactly what you want it to be!

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